Hattie’s journey

Created by Lou one year ago

Our beautiful daughter Hattie only managed 5 days with us. Due to lack of oxygen during a traumatic birth she was left severely brain damaged. We all transferred to St Michaels Hospital where she started brain cooling treatment but sadly it didn’t work and we made the difficult decision to turn off her life support knowing that she wouldn’t have any quality of life if she was to survive. 
Our brave and stubborn girl managed to breathe by herself for a further 36 hours although agonising for us she gave us that bit of extra time to hold her and love her. Our gorgeous Hattie went to sleep on the 19th of May. That morning the hospital arranged for us to borrow a pram from the children’s ward so we could have a little bit of normal life with her. For the first time we were able to be her parents and take her for a walk in the most beautiful gardens across the road from the hospital. Jason and I sat down on a bench under some trees as the sun was shining down on Hattie, this is where she passed around 1.30pm it was like she was waiting for the right moment to make this whole nightmare worth something. We then took her back, cuddled her, bathed her and played mummy and daddy’s favourite songs whilst holding her tight and singing our hearts out, we are so grateful for the very little time we had with her.

We are overwhelmed by the love and care recieved at St Michael’s and would gratefully accept any donations to help other babies and families in loving memory of Hattie.